In February we blanket the world with love. $10 will buy a blanket that Church World Service will give to an individual who is cold in this country or anywhere around the world. Our goal is 100 blankets.
You can help by clicking on the donate button on the right and making a donation. Type “blankets” in the notes and if you want to buy a whole blanket, add the paypal fee to your donation.
Join us for worship on each Sunday at 11:00 am.
There is Christian Education for all ages at 10:00 am.
A staffed nursery is available for preschoolers.
When entering the Meeting House, please use either the front doors or the handicap entrance at the rear of the church. Restrooms are available on the lower level. Learn more about our worship service
Pardon our dumpster and dust, construction on the ADA bathroom is ongoing. We should have a bathroom accessible to all in time for the 250th anniversary of our building.