What Time is Worship?
Where Do I Park?
How Do I Get in the Building?
What Happens During The Service?
It’s Over, Now What?
What Should I Wear?

Worship Service 11 am (Sunday after Labor Day – Sunday before Memorial Day)
Adult and Children’s Classes 10 am (September – May)
There is no worship service on the Sunday before Memorial Day due to Brown graduation.
Where do I park?
Despite the no parking signs, you can park on the street on either side of the church on Sunday morning. If you are coming up Waterman Street, park on either side of the street and if you are going down Thomas Street, park on the right side of the street. You may also park in the lot at the corner of Thomas and North Main Street. (Just north of the church) If you have mobility issues, you may park in the driveway behind the church.

How do I get in the building?
The easiest way to the Sanctuary is to come in the front doors on the N. Main Street side of the building and go up either set of stairs. The Fellowship Hall is at ground level, and is accessible through the double doors. The adult Sunday Forum happens in this room at 10 AM during the school year. You will also find a coffee table and usually some treats, please help yourself. Some one should greet you before you get very far. If you continue straight ahead and up the short flight of stairs, the children’s classroom and nursery are on your left. At the end of the hallway, you can turn right for the women’s restroom or left for the men’s restroom.
If you have mobility issues and parked in the driveway, you can enter the auditorium via the ramp and side door on the right side of the building. Please note that when you enter through this door you will come into a small vestibule and will then enter the front of the auditorium. Unfortunately, the restrooms are all on the lower level. You can ride the chair lift down a steep set of stairs inside the building or walk around to the left side of the building on the outside, in the side door, down the hall on the right and up two steps and then to the right (women’s) or left (men’s).
What happens during the service?
The Worship Service is held at 11 AM (10 AM June – Labor Day) in the auditorium. At the top of the stairs you will be welcomed and as you enter the auditorium, you will receive the Sunday program. (Large print copies of the program and hearing devices are available, just ask.) We have box pews, you can sit anywhere. The sound is better if you are not under the balcony. The second pew from the back, has been designed as a children’s pew. There is a carpeted floor, paper, crayons and books. There is also a staffed nursery for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Ask the greeters or ushers for directions if you would like to use this service.
Our Sunday worship services are fully ASL interpreted for Deaf and Hard of Hearing congregants. We also offer hearing assistance via a headphone system, which amplifies the spoken portions of our service
The service is traditional with an organ or piano prelude, congregational singing, prayers, choir anthems, children’s sermon, scripture reading, sermon, offering and benediction. There is a time of welcome, when folks will leave their pews and flood the aisles to meet and greet each other. It’s all in the program so you can follow along.
We share in the Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of each month. Our communion is open to all who hunger and thirst for God. Our deacons distribute the elements, first the bread, and then individual cups. Once all are served, we receive the meal together. If you choose not to receive the bread or cup, that is fine, please pass the plate on to your neighbor, and remain with us. The pastor will guide the congregation through this part of the service.
All attendees are invited to register their attendance and to record their prayer requests. These prayer requests are typed out by the church secretary and sent on Monday to the “prayer team,” approximately two dozen members, who hold these prayers in confidence and intentionally lift those requests in their daily prayers.
It’s over, now what?
Following the Worship Service, you will be greeted at the back of the sanctuary by the minister, Rev. Jamie Washam. We invite you to join us downstairs in Fellowship Hall for a time of coffee, tea and dessert and to get to know the community better. Tours of the building are given following the service. The tours meet in the Manning Room, on the right after you enter Fellowship Hall, behind the piano. There is also a welcome table where you can pick up information about the church and talk to a deacon if you wish.
What should I wear? Why should I come?
We welcome all. You can come in your Sunday finest, or wearing jeans and flip flops. You may already have a personal relationship with God, or you may be wondering if you need one. You may be looking for a church home, or just someplace to stop in on occasion. You may need a prayer, a hug, or perhaps just a smile, we can do that. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.