Category: News


Meet our Missionaries, David and Laura Parajon

Thanks to missionary support, David and Laura Parajón have the opportunity to dedicate themselves as physicians and public health professionals to the ministry of AMOS Health and Hope. AMOS stands for A Ministry of...


Good Friday Walk for Hunger

On Friday April 3, 2015 at 9 AM we will walk to raise awareness and support to defeat hunger and homelessness. The walk and the rally at the State House will be in Honor...


America for Christ

The America for Christ Offering is one of the four annual American Baptist USA offerings. It the American Baptist response to the needs of home missions; therefore, the money donated goes directly to projects...


Amnesty International

This month’s Amnesty International case involves two church leaders, Reverend Yat Michael and Reverend Peter Yen of the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. Rev. Yat was arrested by government security officers after preaching on...


Wayne and Katherine Niles serving in the Congo

Elsa recently received an email from our ABC missionaries Wayne & Katherine Niles who serve in the Congo. In this letter entitled “Our Daily Bread” they explain their work seeking solutions to hunger, contaminated...


Thank you for your support

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Retired Missionaries and Ministries Offering in December. We sent $895 to support individuals who have served such an important role in our lives and in our American...


Blanket the World with Love

For over 66 years, Church World Service has worked in partnership with communities in distress to identify needs and access the resources they require to build the foundation for a more viable future. These...


Summer at Camp Canonicus

It’s still January and the snow is falling, but it’s not too early to start thinking about sending kids to camp. Three years ago, we sent 7 refugees from Eritrea and Liberia to Camp...


Deflated Faith is legal here.

It seems football can make us into a news story. Last year Dan’s “Go Broncos” sign went viral. This year Tom’s sign about deflated faith made the news on local television stations ABC6, and...